6 Reasons Why Sewing Can Be A Sustainable Hobby
A sewing machine used to be one of those appliances you could find in every household. Before ready-to-wear clothes completely took over, most of a family’s clothing was home-made. In today’s fashion industry that is filled with cheap mass-produced clothes, sewing at home is not a necessity anymore. I’m not saying we should go back to the old times and start making all of our own clothes again. I know not everyone has time to sew, not everyone would enjoy it and not everyone would be skilled at it. But I do believe even just learning about sewing and trying it out could have positive effects and reduce some of the negative impacts fashion currently has on the world. This can be indirectly by changing your attitude towards fashion, or directly by taking control over parts of the production process and thus minimizing the impact. In this article, you can read 6 ways sewing can contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. If you are creative by nature or you have an interest in learning new skills, now might be the perfect time to try out this new hobby…